

Welcome to skeyes benefitsatwork! A one-time registration is required for a first visit to this platform. For this you need to enter your skeyes e-mail address and password (xxx@skeyes.be & skeyes password).
Afterwards you can easily use the discounts whenever you are logged in. You can also download the app on your smartphone.
This is exclusively for you and your colleagues from skeyes!

Please take a minute to complete your registration with us.

1. Create an account with your company e-mail address.

2. Every month the latest offers in your mail? Tick that you want to receive the monthly newsletter.

3. Check your inbox for the activation code. Fill in this code at ‘activate account’.

4. You’re ready to shop!

Forgot your password?

We will send you a new password code you need to reset your password.

Please enter your email adress you used for the registration.

Please validate your input